throughout USA
By appointment only
Hi, I’m Ashley, the founder, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Apothecarist, Ayurvedic chef, Raja Yog teacher and Vedic Astrologer here at Ayurvedic Vitality.
These modalities make up what is called Vedic living, which is a holistic approach to well-being and ultimately ones evolution, by living in accordance with nature.
As a very detailed person by nature, I apply this to each client by looking at all of the pieces of your life, your concerns, goals, eating patterns, emotional and spiritual well-being and then create a custom program to suit your needs & help you achieve your health & wellness goals for balance and harmony.
Please take a look around and reach out with any questions you may have!
With over 9 years experience working as a personal chef & owner of an organic meal delivery company I am confident I can help you address your dietary needs, which will provide results & also suit your lifestyle.
After assessing your Ayurvedic needs I will personally blend authentic & time tested Ayurvedic formulas for you to address your concerns naturally. Many clients find wonderful results for…
I carefully select all of the herbs and products, using only what I consider to be the highest standard of quality & authenticity, as well as only use organic and sustainable herbs & oils.
Ayurveda has been sought out for thousands of years for its unique preventative care approach to well-being, as well as relief for common concerns that we know of today such as…
• Acne • Anxiety • Arthritis
• Digestive issues • Gout • Hair loss
• Kidney Support • Liver Support • High BP
• Weight Loss • Stress • And more…
Ayurveda’s intent is to enhance longevity, as well as get to the root of one’s health concerns, viewing each individual as unique, requiring different foods, lifestyle practices & activities from one another, in order to thrive and ultimately prosper in one’s life.
Many people have sought out Ayurveda for thousands of years for its unique preventative care approach to well-being, as well as for relief for common concerns regarding…
• Acne • Anxiety
• Arthritis • Digestion
• Hair loss • Kidney’s
• High B.P. • Weight Loss
• Stress • And more…
Ayurveda’s intent is to enhance longevity, as well as to get to the root of one’s health concerns, viewing each individual as unique, requiring different foods, lifestyle practices and activities from one another, in order to thrive and ultimately prosper in one’s life.
My mission is to help people heal and feel self-empowered, awakening to their innermost potential, through the use of Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, ancient yogic techniques and metaphysics.
As an extremely detailed person by nature, I apply this to each client by looking at all of the pieces of your life, your concerns, goals, eating patterns, emotional and spiritual well-being and then I create a custom program to suit your needs. This includes, but is not limited to custom meal plans, recipes, yogic techniques, herbs, astrology, manifestation techniques, metaphysics and more.
I carefully select all of the herbs and products and use what I consider to be the highest standard of quality available on the market, free from chemicals and pesticides, as well as personally hand craft herbal formulations for each client to suit their needs.
I consider Ashley to be so much more than my Ayurvedic practitioner-she’s more like my life coach. May 2, 2020 was my first consultation with Ashley. Alicia Keys sang my mantra that day: “This girl is on FIRE!” My skin was a mess: I had severe contact dermatitis/eczema all over my body. I physically felt on fire and was scared and unsure what to do about it. Ayurvedically, Ashley explained, “Your skin feels like it’s on fire because, well, it IS-you have a very high Pitta (heat energy) imbalance in your body right now.” Prior to our consultation, I had no idea how much I had been innocently sabotaging my body. Ashley was insightful, logical, honest, and encouraging. She offered me hope with a plan and the changes she recommended were all doable and attainable. Adjusting to Ayurveda is truly worthwhile and it WORKS. Within days of following her protocols I could see improvement in my skin and this progress has continued for several months. Ashley’s knowledge of astrology has been another essential element to my healing. She applies her comprehensive skill set according to what my body and mind need. Today my skin is clear and my body feels amazing. I continue to work with her in my spiritual journey and maintain my body’s progress. She’s been my rock of support the entire way and am so thankful to have her in my life. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking better health. Ashley, from the deepest part of my heart to the highest part of my being: Thank You:) Namaste.
Hanna Brethower - Lauderdale by the Sea, FL